Corinne Jones
開幕 九月八日, 晚上六點鐘到八點
細節: Corinne Jones, 迷思海的群島, 2018.
迷思海是美國最大的地下湖。它位於大煙山山中,Craighead Caverns的複雜洞穴系統裡。隨著時間,由於水位上升,湖洞的小洞穴被隱藏起來,後來又被各種動機的人重新發覺。他們的歷史和企圖鮮為人知,而且受白人洗腦。眾所周知,一些原住民使用了某些空間。白人定居者於1820年左右開始使用溫帶洞穴進行食物儲存。同盟軍士兵在洞穴中開採用於彈藥的硝石,並在天花板上留下了焦掉的塗鴉。 1915年,舞廳地板安裝在一個大房間內,與鬥雞和賭博並排。走私者蒸馏著烈酒。 1927年,建立了電燈以展示新田納西州電力公司的實力。到1965年,迷思海被一群股東作為旅遊景點開放。湖的可見區域是4.5英畝,但水體的深度仍然是未知的。鑑於過去的剝削活動和所有權的陰暗主張,不難想像在這些秘密牆內可能發生的其他行為可能很容易隱藏在沒有陽光的海洋中。
“迷思海的室內”是Corinne Jones新作品的標題。標題采用地下湖隱藏歷史來比喻我們國家尚未對此進行估算的。Jones通過原創空間來連接當初和現在以及傳達無數,鮮為人知或被邊緣化的故事。迷思海的群島,2018年,是由“地板畫”頂部堆疊的移動毯子組成的雕塑作品。堆疊的毯子邀請觀眾有座位,聚集在指定討論的區域。在失落海洋的房間內,群島兩側有兩幅連續系列的大型畫作,對應的Sevens 5(A + B),2018年。這些畫作是七面畫布上的等光色場,彼此“鏡像”。特定場地的作品,Double Trap,Single Use,2018,由透明的彩色塑料片粘附在畫廊窗口的兩側。窗戶的波紋線條平行於“地板畫”中的線條和移動的毯子。
CORINNE JONES (Memphis TN) currently lives and works in New York City. She received her MFA from Columbia University in 2007 and a BFA from The School of Visual Arts in 1996. Jones has realized public art projects at the Elizabeth Street Garden, New York; at Madison Park, Memphis, TN; and on Huling Street, Memphis, TN. She has exhibited solo and two-person shows at SITUATIONS, NYC; Museum of America books, Brooklyn, NY; Tops Gallery, Memphis, TN, Jackie Klempay, Brooklyn, NY, and has participated in various group shows including galleries and museums in Miami, FL; London, UK; and Warsaw, Poland. Her work is held in many private and public institutions including the New York Presbyterian Hospital. She has been an adjunct painting professor at Columbia University and teaches color theory at Cooper Union in New York. Jones has published several books, "Liam Gillick & Corinne Jones," (Brigade Commerz/Liam Gillick, Limited edition of 50 copies with music by Liam Gillick & Corinne Jones) in 2010, "Plain English," (Letterpress, Limited Edition of 50) in 2014, and "Trends in Repurposed Abstraction" which debuted at the MoMA PS1 Art Book Fair in 2015. Her artwork has received critical praise from The New Yorker, Art News, Art Slant, and Artcore journal. Jones has an upcoming exhibition at Land and Sea in San Francisco.